Learn a unique, intricate and versatile art style.


Advanced payment is required.
Questions? Please contact us vasb@xnjnegunnegf.pn.

$ Multi-class Credit

Take 3 KAN classes in the same year and receive a $15 credit toward a future KAN class, or toward a 1-year KAN membership fee. Offer not available to Life Drawing sessions.

Cancellation Policy

With 7 days notice, we will offer a credit or refund. With less than 7 days but at least 48 hours notice, we will offer a credit. Otherwise, no refund or credit will be given, including if a student does not attend. We thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

Gov't Protocols

KAN will be following protocols regarding COVID-19 that are in place at the time this class occurs.

Developed in 1886, Pointillism is a unique, intricate and versatile art style that can be used with just about any coloured medium from crayons to acrylic paints. Using only simple dots of colour laid out in patterns, it engages the viewer’s mind to connect-the-dots to see a larger, more complex image.

In this class you will learn how different colours interact with one another to create different tones, values, and hues, creating a wide range of colours and gradients without actually having to mix said colours. The class starts with warm-up exercises in colouring and drawing, and then moves on to a full sized still life drawing filled with dots to create a finished piece.

Location: Colborne Street Gallery, Fenelon Falls


Level: Beginner
Maximum size: 8
Available seats: 4
We do accept names for a waiting list.


Bring to class:

  • Standard HB pencil
  • White eraser
  • 8-pack Crayola Washable Markers
  • Cotton gloves (optional)
Artists: Markus Leydolt
Note: The * is multiply.